3 things that have helped to improve my sleep

 Hello everyone, hope you’re all ok! As you know I’m someone who doesn’t sleep very well. I struggle to fall asleep as well as stay asleep, but recently I’ve been trying different things to get a better nights sleep as I was sick of going to bed at about 10pm but not actually falling asleep until 2 am and waking up every hour. I found that I was spending the day looking forward to bedtime but then the cycle would start all over again. I want to preface this post by saying that I do have fibromyalgia which quite often affects my sleep and that’s not something I’ve fully been able to manage yet however, the things I am going to discuss have helped with the anxiety and overthinking as well as helping me wind down ready for bed.


I saw quite a few TikToks that said to take Magnesium on an evening a couple of hours before bed to improve sleep so I thought I’d give it a go and I have to say it’s helping. I now find myself feeling ready to doze off at a normal time and being able to fall asleep within about 15 minutes of my head hitting the pillow. I also don’t wake up anywhere near as often. Sometimes I don’t wake up at all and sleep right through the night which is amazing for me. 

Audiobooks/ the Calm app.

I downloaded the Calm app and used a free trial a little while ago just to see what I thought and if it helped at all and I loved it so much that I paid for a yearly subscription. They have some lovely relaxing audios as well as sleep stories read by celebrities. It’s a lovely way to wind down as I’m not thinking about the worries of the day or things I have to do tomorrow, I’m just thinking about the story that’s being read to me. Oh and they have a Disney collection!!!

Camomile tea 

Again, this is something I read about or saw a video on so I decided to try it. I bought some chamomile tea to drink just before bed and it really helps me relax. The one I chose by Twinings has vanilla and cinnamon in it so it tastes really good too! I think the warmth of the drink also helps me to relax. I’m a Coffee girl 100% but 99% of the time I cut off my caffeine intake at about 3pm which I’ve found has really improved my sleep.

I hope this post was helpful to some of you as I know that a lot of you also struggle with sleep. See you soon!

Laura x


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