Living with someone who has Cancer

 Hello my love. Today’s post is a bit of real talk for you all. I always try and post positive and uplifting content as you know but sometimes you just have to be real. 

My gorgeous Mam was diagnosed with The Big C (Bowel Cancer) during lockdown. That diagnosis was devastating for all of us but we had hope as they said surgery could be performed to remove it and she could undergo Chemo to get rid of the rest. She underwent major surgery and I couldn’t see her for two weeks due to lockdown restrictions. It was a long recovery once she got home but she managed and she then went through Chemo to hopefully get rid of the Cancer in her Bowel. We then found out the Cancer had spread to her Lungs so she went back onto Chemo. During this, she got Sepsis in the Hickman Line in her chest so was again admitted to hospital. One day when we were visiting a Doctor came to inform us that there’s a tumour in her Liver. So that’s where we’re at.

This journey has its ups and downs. A lot of downs but Mam is a star bless her. Mam is poorly a lot which is understandable so I care for her day or night which I don’t mind as she’s looked after me plenty! The only thing is, a lot of people on the outside don’t see how emotionally exhausting this is. My Mam is my best friend and I just want her to be better again and to live forever! I know no one can live forever but you get what I mean. As someone with Anxiety I always immediately think of the worst possible outcome so spend many nights crying myself to sleep. I just wish more people understood that Cancer not only affects the patient but those around them. I hate that when people are diagnosed with Cancer many of their friends walk away or avoid them. It’s now that we need you most. 

Thank you for reading this post. It would make our day if you could donate to a Cancer charity of your choice. Cancer is a b*tch and we need to beat it. 

Laura x


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