Hi beautiful! It’s me again. As many of you will know it was my 25th birthday on the 20th of October so I thought I’d make this a little highlight post of things that happened this year and everything that I’m grateful for. 


I’m so grateful to be able to travel as much as I do. From day trips to the beach to our many Disney trips! I definitely value experiences and living in the moment. When I look back on all of the things that have made me happy or smile it’s definitely the memories I’ve made. I love to look back on all of the photos and videos I’ve taken. Travel doesn’t always mean travelling across the world like I said I love my road trips to the beach for an ice cream or a trip to Beamish Museum which isn’t too far from us. The people you surround yourself with are definitely what make the memories even more special. I hope to make even more memories in the year to come and of course to take you all along with me through my photos and videos. 


As you all know my beautiful Guinea Pig Willow passed away on the 15th of September due to heart failure but I’m grateful for the almost 6 years I had with her. I’m grateful for her sister Daisy too of course who passed away in 2021. But this past year Willow has been my little best friend. Someone to sit with and talk to, someone to keep me company whilst I work on my laptop, someone to cry to and for her to kiss my tears away. I miss her so much but I’m so grateful for her and there’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think about her and Daisy. I really miss the company of a pet. Hopefully I can welcome new fur babies some time in the near future.

Family and Friends

As always I’m so grateful for my family and friends. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without them. This year has been a tough one for our family and it has been very hard on my mental health so I’m beyond grateful to have such a good support network around me. Even the friends I’ve made on social media. That includes you reading this. You’re all so kind to me and I’m so thankful for each and every one of you I really am. Thank you for all of your support on my social media, my website and even for the ‘hope you’re ok’ messages. They mean more to me than you might realise. Seeing all of my happy birthday messages made me smile too. Don’t think that any of your likes, comments and messages go unnoticed because they really don’t! 

Hope you all enjoyed this short but sweet blog post and I’ll see you in the next one!

Laura x


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